Temple Teleport Sample Pack (20 Pieces of Magic Mushroom Tea + Chocolate ChocoNaut + Scooby Snacks)

Original price was: $222.00.Current price is: $175.00.

The Temple Teleport Sample Pack is for the psychonauts wanting it all. We’ve put together our best-selling edibles in one package to satisfy the most discerning mind-explorer.

Temple Teleport Sample Pack includes the following:

4 pieces of Temple Magic Mushroom Chocolate ChocoNaut (0.5 grams each, 2 grams total)
10 pieces of Temple Scooby Snacks Mushroom Party Capsules (0.25 grams each, 2.5 grams total)
2 pieces of Temple Magic Mushroom Tea (Earl Grey – Black Tea) (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)
2 pieces of Temple Magic Mushroom Tea (Rooibos Chai – Herbal Tea) (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)
2 pieces of Temple Magic Mushroom Tea (Lemon Ginger Gunpowder – Green Tea) (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)

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